Monday, September 10, 2012

Homecoming 2012

Fall on the Farm

We had a busy August on the farm. Uncle Bill and the boys stayed for the entire month to help with harvest and allow Bill time to look for a new job.
Nick did get time to plant a cover crop in the wheat stubble but with not much rain, we're not quite sure how that will pan out...check with us next month!
August continued to be a hot month with very little rain, which made for some great weekends at the lake, and made for a very dry, crusty lawn and fields. We are hoping the corn and the soybeans survived the hot, dry summer and while several farmers around us have started fall harvest, ours will likely begin at the end of the week. With a co-op arrangement much like wheat harvest, we're hoping that by working with Ellenson farms, we can cover alot of ground as quickly as possible.
As the seasons change, and as the boys grow into little men, we strapped on their backpacks and sent them off to kindergarten this year. It has been an adjustment for all of us, but so far the boys are doing great and even talked dad into a parade float for homecoming.
Hope everyone is having a wonderful fall and we'll see y'all after harvest!